
Nationals 2015 Faculty

  The teaching staff for the 2015 Nationals have been selected and confirmed. As ever, we being you the best from across the country (and beyond)! FM J.P. Fournier FM Ian Rose FM J.F. Gagnon FD Laryssa Yanchak FD Karl Sine FI Patrick Howarth As registration is...

Give the gift of AFDC training!

  Stuck on what to get the actor/combatant on your list this holiday season? Well now you can wrap up some AFDC training to give to your favourite swordfighter (or ask for it yourself!). FDC is now offering PayPal gift certificates that can be used for any...

Nationals 2015

June 29 - July 16 University of Alberta, Edmonton   AFDC is pleased to announce that the 2015 Nationals will once again be hosted by our colleagues at the UofA. This professional certification program has been expanded from 12 days to 18 days in 2015- this will...

Worlds 2016 change of dates

Due to the holiday long weekend and associated costs, the dates of the World Certification Conference and World Teachers Conference have been adjusted slightly. The WCC will now run August 3-24th, 2016, and the WTC will run August 3-15.

Worlds 2016 call for submissions

The Worlds Certification Conference (WCC) and The Worlds Teachers Conference (WTC)     Call for Teacher/Facilitator Applications   The Worlds Conference and its Academic Committee seeks stage combat teachers and facilitators for its 2016 event, which is...

World Conferences 2016

Five national stage combat associations. Two remarkable conferences. One world-class training opportunity for you.   Fight Directors Canada and The Worlds Academic Committee are thrilled to announce   The 2016 World Stage Combat Certification Conference and...

Award for FDC’s Maitre d’Armes

Maitre D'Armes Jean Pierre Fournier will be receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to professional theatre in Alberta at this years Elizabeth Sterling Haynes Awards on June 30th 2014. We congratulate and salute him for this prestigious...

Nationals 2014 Tees and *new* AFDC patches

Nationals 2014 tees Hello Fighters! These are the official AFDC Nationals 2014 t-shirts, with original art work by Jean Paul Mavinga. They are a top quality shirt with our logo on the left arm and the artwork on the back. They are v-neck with plenty of room to add...

Christopher Mott – Our new Membership Administrator

Hello Everyone! FDC is pleased to announce that certified Fight Instructor, Christopher Mott of Toronto has been hired to become our Membership Administrator as of the end of January 2014. He comes with a strong communications and administrative background and...

Check out our Store!

Hello everyone! We are so excited to announce that you can now buy FDC Swag and look amazing while you fight!  Simply go to the link below and check out our store!  Thank you for supporting FDC!