2023 Grant Applications Now Open
Applications are now being accepted for 3 grants available in 2023. The Training Boost Grant for prospective and currently uncertified members The Actor/Combatant Training Boost Grant for current Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced members The Leadership Level...
Seeking Director of Training
The Director of Training is the academic head of AFDC. They are responsible for the success and management of the annual National workshop and other AFDC training initiatives. This includes responsibility for publicity and member engagement around AFDC events. The...
2022 Awards Nominations now open
Nominations for 2022 Awards and Scholarships are now open. Details of requirements and nomination process are listed below for each award. Deadline for all nominations is October 9th, 2022.This grant is intended to encourage Advanced Actor-Combatants from marginalised...
Nationals one-off classes
New one-off classes announced at Nationals 2022 at UBC All classes are $20 for AFDC/FDC members, or $35 for non-membersReserve your spot by emailing and sending e-transfer to Levels: AllSpots Available: 20Come prepared to create and...
Nationals Teaching Staff
We are pleased to announce the teaching staff for the 2022 National Stage Combat Workshop!For Nationals 2022:Nationals Coordinator, Clinic Basic Unarmed, Basic Staff, Advanced Found Weapons Mike Kovac is a Certified Fight Director and Instructor with Fight Directors...
More Nationals short format classes!
Safer Sets: Consent, Boundaries, and Communication for Artistic Spaces This 6-day workshop will cover artistic best practices and strategies for approaching intimate and/or intense scenes for the stage and screen.This event has unfortunately been cancelled May 30 to...
New FDC Training Grant Opportunities
FDC is pleased to announce two new grant opportunities: for prospective and currently uncertified members, the Training Boost Grant; and for current certified members, the AFDC-Certified Training Boost Grant. These grants are part of a series sponsored by the...
On the arrest of Patrick Howarth
Statement from the BoardNovember 4, 2021 Fight Directors Canada has learned of the arrest of Past President Patrick Howarth on charges of sexual assault and sexual exploitation. FDC condemns all sexual violence. We are committed to fostering a safe and respectful...
AGM Video
At the request of membership, the AGM this year was recorded for viewing by members who were unable to attend. This video will remain up for a limited time- approximately one month. Minutes will be provided shortly as usual. Please note that captions will be...
Major P&P Changes
As announced at the AGM (minutes and video coming soon for all members), there have been significant updates and changes to our Policies and Procedures this year, with more to follow. Some highlights include Amendments suggested by our outside Diversity and Inclusion...