Fellow Fight Artists and Fight Educators,
The Academy of Fight Directors Canada and the World Academic Committee is please to introduce you to the exceptional group of artists who will lead the 2016 World Conference next summer in Toronto Canada. They were chosen from the global community of master teachers and world leaders and they represent the highest quality of instruction in their relative fields. They represent the 5 leading authorities in certification training and are all experts in professional teaching practices.
We at AFDC are honoured to have them contribute to this exchange and we welcome them and you to Canada next summer.
With respect and gratitude,
Chair, World's Academic Committee
Director of the Academy
Academy of FDC
Daniel Levinson,
Fight Directors Canada
The 2016 World Conference
Contributing Artists
Scot Mann, SAFD, BASSC
Daniel Levinson, AFDC
John McFarland, SAFD, BASSC
Ian Rose, AFDC, SAFD
Todd Campbell, AFDC
Siobhan Richardson, AFDC
Oula Kitti, NSFS
Jonathan Leverett, BASSC
Janet Lawson , BASSC
Dale Girard, SAFD, Hon.FM AFDC
Andy Fraser, SAFDi, AFDC
Jean Pierre Fournier, AFDC/ Maitre D’Armes , Life Fellow BADC
Hilde Veronika Høie, NSFS
Kristoffer Jørgensen, NSFS
Simon Manns, NSFS
Casey Hudecki, AFDC
JF Gagnon, AFDC
J. Allen Suddeth, SAFD, Life Fellow BADC
J. David Brimmer, SAFD
Nigel Poulton, SAFD, SAFDi
Simon Fon, AFDC
Paul Gelineau AFDC, FD Exofficio SAFD
For more information or to register, visit