Adjudicator Certification Pilot Project
As recently announced, Director of Training Tammy Everett, in consultation with the College of Fight Masters through FM Laryssa Yanchak and FM Daniel Levinson, have put together a pilot project for non-FM adjudicators. This has just been approved by the board and is open to applicants.
Complete details courtesy of Tammy:
The Adjudicator Certification will be a graduated certification; beginning at Basic Adjudication, and progressing from there. Candidates are able to fulfill the observation requirements for the Intermediate or Advanced Adjudicator position concurrently with the Basic, but must complete the last certification requirement (leading adjudications under observation from an FM) of Basic Adjudicator, Intermediate Adjudicator, and Advanced Adjudicator in order.
Adjudicator Candidates need to have completed their first 5 years as an instructor before they can apply for their Basic Adjudicator certification. (Up to 2 basic adjudication observations done during those first 5 years may count towards their first adjudication certification). Adjudicator Candidates must have an FM Mentor, and must have worked with a minimum of three different FMs during their adjudication observations for a wider scope of understanding what to look for, as even though we work hard to be on the same page, each FM may see different things, or talk about them in a different way.
Adjudicator Candidates should submit their intention to begin this certification with the Director of Training, and should have a letter from their FM Mentor stating that they are taking on the mentorship role.
Basic Adjudicator
• Candidate must be present at a minimum of 5 basic certification adjudications.
• After that the candidate must adjudicate a minimum of 2 basic certifications as the lead adjudicator under the in-person observation of a minimum of 1 FM. The FM will participate in the adjudication, with the other instructors.
Intermediate Adjudicator
• Candidate must be present at a minimum of 3 intermediate certification adjudications.
• After that the candidate must adjudicate a minimum of 2 intermediate certifications as the lead adjudicator under the in-person observation of a minimum of 1 FM. (Before participating in leading an adjudication at Intermediate, the candidate must have been
the lead adjudicator on a minimum of 5 basic certifications). The FM will participate in the adjudication, with the other instructors.
Advanced Adjudicator
• Be present at a minimum of 3 advanced certification adjudications.
• After that the candidate must adjudicate a minimum of 2 advanced certifications as the lead adjudicator under the in-person observation of a minimum of 1 FM. (Before participating in leading an adjudication at advanced, the candidate must have been the lead adjudicator on a minimum of 5 intermediate certifications). The FM will participate in the adjudication, with the other instructors.
No Adjudicator (Basic, Intermediate or Advanced) may lead adjudications on their own discipline.
All adjudication fights must be filmed, in case an actor combatant wishes to dispute the results.
Filmed fights may be used presently, or in future to show assistant, teachers, adjudicators, and participants successful fights both as a pass or a pass with distinction. These may also be posted in a public viewing area to allow FDC members, and the larger arts community, to see what good stage combat performances look like.
Filmed fights that show failures of participants may be used to show assistants, teachers, and adjudicators only. These videos will never be posted in a public viewing area.
Adjudicators are recognized for 5 years. At the end of that period, the certification is null and void unless the member re-certifies. Instructors can re-certify by proving that they have participated in at least 3 adjudications at any level within the 5 years, and/or shown strong
engagement in the stage combat community. Should they fall below the threshold, in order to renew, they must participate in an adjudication under the observation of an FM.
All adjudicators are subject to FDC’s Code of Ethics, and Personal Conduct Policy. If they fail to meet these expectations they may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including losing their Adjudicator Certification.
Retroactive Qualifications For Senior Instructors
As part of an effort to acknowledge the work and knowledge already accumulated by FIs and FDs who have been actively participating in certifications over the last several years FDC will retroactively count certain certification adjudications observed and participated in by FIs and FDs.
1. Only Certifications from the last 5 years will be counted towards gaining the prospective adjudicator level: To ensure their knowledge is in line with our current standards and expectations. (This is also the length of an Instructor certification before requiring renewal.)
2. An FM who was present with the candidate must sign off that the candidate was there, and actively observing/participating in discussion. These records will be kept by the AFDC Director of Training.
3. Adjudications observed/participated in before the Adjudicator position is announced will count for half. For example if an FI observed 2 basics during the last 5 years it will count as 1 (3 will also count as 1). Requirements and expectations of Adjudicator Candidates may differ from those of previous adjudications, and time must be given to the process of properly on-boarding and assessing new Adjudicators.