P&P changes July 2020
A change to the Policies and Procedures has been proposed, and has been approved by a majority vote of the Board. Effective immediately, Section 1.3.2 will read (changes in bold):
1.3.2 President
This person is voted into office for a 4 year term by the Membership. They must maintain a certification Level of AAC or above, and must have been a member in good standing for 5 consecutive years at the time of their nomination. The President takes charge of ensuring positive and fruitful relations with other professional Arts organizations, University Drama Programs and helps develop long-term strategies and goals for the professional arm of the organization. This person should understand academic programming at the post secondary levels and have strong contacts in the Canadian Performing Arts Industry.
Note that this does effect the current nomination cycle for the office of President, and any individual meeting the above requirements is eligible for nomination for election as President.